Monday, January 19, 2009

Service Learning Experience

I met with Sharon on Saturday to distribute sack lunches to Everett's community of homeless and low-income people. There were a group of about eight of us, including Vineyard's Church members and other students, who met first at the college to watch a documentary on homeless youth in Seattle. This film really exposed me to a side of life I have never put any thought into. A large percentage of homeless are people who have run away, been kicked out, or who have been in some way institutionalized.

While preparing meals consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, oranges and capri-suns, I felt like I was back in my kitchen preparing lunch for my children. It was very comforting and uplifting to be a part of this group working together on a mission to serve our local community. As we exited the church doors onto Wetmore Avenue, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. Our intentions set aside, how would I be received when I told someone that I was with a meal outreach program and asked if they were hungry? We were received well, that's how. After splitting off into smaller groups, and covering a good chunk of ground, we had handed out all 32 lunches that we had set out with.

Now the clouds did not part for me during this experience. I felt like I had spent my Saturday doing something I should have been doing; being a part of something greater than my own self obsession, beyond my four walls and it felt refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am glad you are enjoying your service learning experience. It must be difficult to provide lunched to a lot of the kids on the streets. You are doing a wonderful thing! Keep up the great work!
